Ace your tennis

Summer season is upon us and invites us all to spend more time outdoors and a perfect way to indulge in outdoor sporting activities like tennis or padel.

If you’re a seasonal player or a seasoned veteran looking to ace their game, Pilates is a great way to improve your form, technique and muscular endurance.

Tennis and Padel are both sports that focus primarily on one sided movement, meaning that based on its unilateral practise it can cause some imbalances within its players. Pilates is therefore a brilliant conditioning method to work on the opposite side of the body and restore some muscular balance to the body.

Hip Strength for Tennis

There is a lot of weight transferance from one side to the next in Tennis/Padel, Using the glutes to control and support the hips to stay square with our torso and requires good alignment with the ankle, knee and hips to support the weight.

Core Strength for Tennis

Players need functional core strength to control the spine whilst moving the limbs. Players require power and strength in the legs, mobility in the arms and a conditioned spine to extend, rotate and generate force without collapsing. All of which require control of the abdominals.

Correcting Muscle Imbalances

Muscular imbalances develop due to overuse of particular muscle groups. In tennis or padel, these imbalances can occur due to handedness and overuse of the same movement patterns. To avoid this we need to work on the opposing muscles with basic strength exercises to increase strength and good mechanics and sport specific sports movements to mimic the movement patterns using the opposite side.


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